Source code for aotools.turbulence.atmos_conversions

Atmospheric Parameter Conversions

Functions for converting between different atmospheric parameters,


import numpy

[docs]def cn2_to_seeing(cn2, lamda=500.E-9): """ Calculates the seeing angle from the integrated Cn2 value Parameters: cn2 (float): integrated Cn2 value in m^2/3 lamda : wavelength Returns: seeing angle in arcseconds """ r0 = cn2_to_r0(cn2,lamda) seeing = r0_to_seeing(r0,lamda) return seeing
[docs]def seeing_to_cn2(seeing, lamda=500.E-9): """ Calculates the integrated Cn2 value from the seeing Parameters: seeing (float): seeing in arcseconds lamda : wavelength Returns: integrated Cn2 value in m^2/3 """ r0 = seeing_to_r0(seeing,lamda) cn2 = r0_to_cn2(r0,lamda) return cn2
[docs]def cn2_to_r0(cn2, lamda=500.E-9): """ Calculates r0 from the integrated Cn2 value Parameters: cn2 (float): integrated Cn2 value in m^2/3 lamda : wavelength Returns: r0 in cm """ r0=(0.423*(2*numpy.pi/lamda)**2*cn2)**(-3./5.) return r0
[docs]def r0_to_cn2(r0, lamda=500.E-9): """ Calculates integrated Cn2 value from r0 Parameters: r0 (float): r0 in cm lamda : wavelength Returns: cn2 (float): integrated Cn2 value in m^2/3 """ cn2 = r0**(-5./3.)/(0.423*(2*numpy.pi/lamda)**2) return cn2
[docs]def r0_to_seeing(r0, lamda=500.E-9): """ Calculates the seeing angle from r0 Parameters: r0 (float): Freid's parameter in cm lamda : wavelength Returns: seeing angle in arcseconds """ return (0.98*lamda/r0)*180.*3600./numpy.pi
[docs]def seeing_to_r0(seeing, lamda=500.E-9): """ Calculates r0 from seeing Parameters: seeing (float): seeing angle in arcseconds lamda : wavelength Returns: r0 (float): Freid's parameter in cm """ return 0.98*lamda/(seeing*numpy.pi/(180.*3600.))
[docs]def coherenceTime(cn2, v, lamda=500.E-9): """ Calculates the coherence time from profiles of the Cn2 and wind velocity Parameters: cn2 (array): Cn2 profile in m^2/3 v (array): profile of wind velocity, same altitude scale as cn2 lamda : wavelength Returns: coherence time in seconds """ Jv = (cn2*(v**(5./3.))).sum() tau0 = float((Jv**(-3./5.))*0.057*lamda**(6./5.)) return tau0
[docs]def isoplanaticAngle(cn2, h, lamda=500.E-9): """ Calculates the isoplanatic angle from the Cn2 profile Parameters: cn2 (array): Cn2 profile in m^2/3 h (Array): Altitude levels of cn2 profile in m lamda : wavelength Returns: isoplanatic angle in arcseconds """ Jh = (cn2*(h**(5./3.))).sum() iso = float(0.057*lamda**(6./5.)*Jh**(-3./5.)*180.*3600./numpy.pi) return iso
[docs]def r0_from_slopes(slopes, wavelength, subapDiam): """ Measures the value of R0 from a set of WFS slopes. Uses the equation in Saint Jaques, 1998, PhD Thesis, Appendix A to calculate the value of atmospheric seeing parameter, r0, that would result in the variance of the given slopes. Parameters: slopes (ndarray): A 3-d set of slopes in radians, of shape (dimension, nSubaps, nFrames) wavelength (float): The wavelegnth of the light observed subapDiam (float) The diameter of each sub-aperture Returns: float: An estimate of r0 for that dataset. """ slopeVar = slopes.var(axis=(-1)) r0 = ((0.162 * (wavelength ** 2) * subapDiam ** (-1. / 3)) / slopeVar) ** (3. / 5) r0 = float(r0.mean()) return r0
[docs]def slope_variance_from_r0(r0, wavelength, subapDiam): """Returns the expected slope variance for a given r0 ValueError Uses the equation in Saint Jaques, 1998, PhD Thesis, Appendix A to calculate the slope variance resulting from a value of r0. """ slope_var = 0.162 * (wavelength ** 2) * r0 ** (-5. / 3) * subapDiam ** (-1. / 3) return slope_var