Source code for aotools.turbulence.temporal_ps

Temporal Power Spectra

Turbulence gradient temporal power spectra calculation and plotting

:author: Andrew Reeves
:date: September 2016

import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot
from scipy import optimize

[docs]def calc_slope_temporalps(slope_data): """ Calculates the temporal power spectra of the loaded centroid data. Calculates the Fourier transform over the number frames of the centroid data, then returns the square of the mean of all sub-apertures, for x and y. This is a temporal power spectra of the slopes, and should adhere to a -11/3 power law for the slopes in the wind direction, and -14/3 in the direction tranverse to the wind direction. See Conan, 1995 for more. The phase slope data should be split into X and Y components, with all X data first, then Y (or visa-versa). Parameters: slope_data (ndarray): 2-d array of shape (..., nFrames, nCentroids) Returns: ndarray: The temporal power spectra of the data for X and Y components. """ n_frames = slope_data.shape[-2] # Only take half result, as FFT mirrors tps = abs(numpy.fft.fft(slope_data, axis=-2)[..., :int(n_frames/2), :])**2 # Find mean across all sub-aps tps = (abs(tps)**2) mean_tps = tps.mean(-1) tps_err = tps.std(-1)/numpy.sqrt(tps.shape[-1]) return mean_tps, tps_err
[docs]def get_tps_time_axis(frame_rate, n_frames): """ Parameters: frame_rate (float): Frame rate of detector observing slope gradients (Hz) n_frames: (int): Number of frames used for temporal power spectrum Returns: ndarray: Time values for temporal power spectra plots """ t_vals = numpy.fft.fftfreq(n_frames, 1./frame_rate)[:int(n_frames/2)] return t_vals
[docs]def plot_tps(slope_data, frame_rate): """ Generates a plot of the temporal power spectrum/a for a data set of phase gradients Parameters: slope_data (ndarray): 2-d array of shape (..., nFrames, nCentroids) frame_rate (float): Frame rate of detector observing slope gradients (Hz) Returns: tuple: The computed temporal power spectrum/a, and the time axis data """ n_frames = slope_data.shape[-2] tps, tps_err = calc_slope_temporalps(slope_data) t_axis_data = get_tps_time_axis(frame_rate, n_frames) fig = pyplot.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # plot each power spectrum for i_ps, ps in enumerate(tps): ax.loglog(t_axis_data, ps, label="Spectrum {}".format(i_ps)) ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel("Frequency (Hz)") ax.set_ylabel("Power (arbitrary units)") return tps, tps_err, t_axis_data
[docs]def fit_tps(tps, t_axis, D, V_guess=10, f_noise_guess=20, A_guess=9, tps_err=None, plot=False): """ Runs minimization routines to get t0. Parameters: tps (ndarray): The temporal power spectrum to fit axis (str): fit parallel ('par') or perpendicular ('per') to wind direction D (float): (Sub-)Aperture diameter Returns: """ if plot: fig = pyplot.figure() opt_result = optimize.minimize( test_tps_fit_minimize_func, x0=(V_guess, f_noise_guess, A_guess), args=(tps, t_axis, D, tps_err, plot), method="COBYLA") print(opt_result)