Source code for aotools.interpolation

import numpy
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d,RectBivariateSpline
#a lookup dict for interp2d order (expressed as 'kind')
INTERP_KIND = {1: 'linear', 3:'cubic', 5:'quintic'}

[docs]def zoom(array, newSize, order=3): """ A Class to zoom 2-dimensional arrays using interpolation Uses the scipy `Interp2d` interpolation routine to zoom into an array. Can cope with real of complex data. Parameters: array (ndarray): 2-dimensional array to zoom newSize (tuple): the new size of the required array order (int, optional): Order of interpolation to use (1, 3, 5). default is 3 Returns: ndarray : zoom array of new size. """ if order not in INTERP_KIND: raise ValueError("Order can either be 1, 3, or 5 only") try: xSize = newSize[0] ySize = newSize[1] except (IndexError, TypeError): xSize = ySize = newSize coordsX = numpy.linspace(0, array.shape[0]-1, xSize) coordsY = numpy.linspace(0, array.shape[1]-1, ySize) #If array is complex must do 2 interpolations if array.dtype==numpy.complex64 or array.dtype==numpy.complex128: realInterpObj = interp2d( numpy.arange(array.shape[0]), numpy.arange(array.shape[1]), array.real, copy=False, kind=INTERP_KIND[order]) imagInterpObj = interp2d( numpy.arange(array.shape[0]), numpy.arange(array.shape[1]), array.imag, copy=False, kind=INTERP_KIND[order]) return (realInterpObj(coordsY,coordsX) + 1j*imagInterpObj(coordsY,coordsX)) else: interpObj = interp2d( numpy.arange(array.shape[0]), numpy.arange(array.shape[1]), array, copy=False, kind=INTERP_KIND[order]) #return numpy.flipud(numpy.rot90(interpObj(coordsY,coordsX))) return interpObj(coordsY,coordsX)
[docs]def zoom_rbs(array, newSize, order=3): """ A Class to zoom 2-dimensional arrays using RectBivariateSpline interpolation Uses the scipy ``RectBivariateSpline`` interpolation routine to zoom into an array. Can cope with real of complex data. May be slower than above ``zoom``, as RBS routine copies data. Parameters: array (ndarray): 2-dimensional array to zoom newSize (tuple): the new size of the required array order (int, optional): Order of interpolation to use. default is 3 Returns: ndarray : zoom array of new size. """ try: xSize = newSize[0] ySize = newSize[1] except IndexError: xSize = ySize = newSize coordsX = numpy.linspace(0, array.shape[0]-1, xSize) coordsY = numpy.linspace(0, array.shape[1]-1, ySize) #If array is complex must do 2 interpolations if array.dtype==numpy.complex64 or array.dtype==numpy.complex128: realInterpObj = RectBivariateSpline( numpy.arange(array.shape[0]), numpy.arange(array.shape[1]), array.real, kx=order, ky=order) imagInterpObj = RectBivariateSpline( numpy.arange(array.shape[0]), numpy.arange(array.shape[1]), array.imag, kx=order, ky=order) return (realInterpObj(coordsY,coordsX) + 1j*imagInterpObj(coordsY,coordsX)) else: interpObj = RectBivariateSpline( numpy.arange(array.shape[0]), numpy.arange(array.shape[1]), array, kx=order, ky=order) return interpObj(coordsY,coordsX)
[docs]def binImgs(data, n): ''' Bins one or more images down by the given factor bins. n must be a factor of data.shape, who knows what happens otherwise...... ''' shape = numpy.array( data.shape ) n = int(numpy.round(n)) if len(data.shape)==2: shape[-1]/=n binnedImgTmp = numpy.zeros( shape, dtype=data.dtype ) for i in range(n): binnedImgTmp += data[:,i::n] shape[-2]/=n binnedImg = numpy.zeros( shape, dtype=data.dtype ) for i in range(n): binnedImg += binnedImgTmp[i::n,:] return binnedImg else: shape[-1]/=n binnedImgTmp = numpy.zeros ( shape, dtype=data.dtype ) for i in range(n): binnedImgTmp += data[...,i::n] shape[-2] /= n binnedImg = numpy.zeros( shape, dtype=data.dtype ) for i in range(n): binnedImg += binnedImgTmp[...,i::n,:] return binnedImg