Source code for aotools.functions.karhunenLoeve

Collection of routines related to Karhunen-Loeve modes.

The theory is based on the paper
"Optimal bases for wave-front simulation and
reconstruction on annular apertures", Robert C. Cannon, 1996, JOSAA, 13, 4

The present implementation is based on the IDL package of R. Cannon
(wavefront modelling and reconstruction).
A closely similar implementation can also be find in Yorick in the YAO package.

Main routine is 'make_kl' to generate KL basis of dimension ``[dim, dim, nmax]``.

For Kolmogorov statistics, e.g. ::

    kl, _, _, _ = make_kl(150, 128, ri = 0.2, stf='kolmogorov')

.. warning::

    make_kl with von Karman stf fails. It has been implemented but KL generation failed in 'while loop' of gkl_fcom...

.. codeauthor:: Gilles Orban de Xivry (ULieve)
:date: November 2017

import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import map_coordinates

[docs]def rebin(a, newshape): '''Rebin an array to a new shape. See scipy cookbook. It is intended to be similar to 'rebin' of IDL ''' assert len(a.shape) == len(newshape) slices = [slice(0, old, float(old) / new) for old, new in zip(a.shape, newshape)] coordinates = np.mgrid[slices] # choose the biggest smaller integer index indices = coordinates.astype('i') return a[tuple(indices)]
[docs]def stf_kolmogorov(r): ''' Kolmogorov structure function with r = (D/r0) ''' return 6.8839 * r**(5. / 3)
[docs]def stf_vonKarman_yao(r, L): return 6.88 * r**(5. / 3) * (1 - 1.485 * (r / L)**(1 / 3.) + 5.383 * (r / L)**2 - 6.281 * (r / L)**(7 / 3.))
[docs]def stf_vonKarman(r, L0): ''' von Karman structure function with r = (D / r0) L0 is in unit of telescope diameter, typically a few (3; or 20m) ''' r0 = 1 D_vk = (0.17253 * (L0 / (r0)) ** (5. / 3.) * (1 - 2 * np.pi ** (5. / 6.) * ((r) / L0) ** (5. / 6.) / scipy.special.gamma(5. / 6.) * scipy.special.kv(5. / 6., (2 * np.pi * r) / L0))) return D_vk
[docs]def gkl_radii(ri, nr): ''' Generate n points evenly spaced in r^2 between r_i^2 and 1 Parameters ----------- nr : int number of resolution elements ri : float radius of central obscuration radius (normalized; <1) Returns ------- r: 1d-array, float grid of point to calculate the appropriate kernels. correspond to 'sqrt(s)' wrt the paper. ''' d = (1 - ri**2) / nr # r2 = ri**2 + d / 2. + d * np.arange(nr) r2 = ri**2 + d * np.arange(nr) + d / 16 return np.sqrt(r2)
[docs]def gkl_kernel(ri, nr, rad, stfunc='kolmogorov', outerscale=None): ''' Calculation of the kernel L^p The kernel constructed here should be simply a discretization of the continuous kernel. It needs rescaling before it is treated as a matrix for finding the eigen-values Parameters ---------- ri : float radius of central obscuration radius (normalized by D/2; <1) nr : int number of resolution elements rad : 1d-array grid of points where the kernel is evaluated stfunc : string string tag of the structure function on which the kernel are computed outerscale : float in unit of telescope diameter. Outer-scale for von Karman structure function. Returns ------- L^p : ndarray kernel L^p of dimension (nr, nr, nth), where nth is the azimuthal discretization (5 * nr) ''' oversampling = 5 # ovsersampling for fourier calculation nth = oversampling * nr kernel = np.zeros((nr, nr, nth)) # 1/2 because Lp and not Kp fnorm = 1. / 2. * (-1) / (2 * np.pi * (1 - ri**2)) for i in range(nr): for j in range(i + 1): radius = 0.5 * np.sqrt(rad[i]**2 + rad[j]**2 - 2 * rad[i] * rad[j] * np.cos(np.arange(nth) * 2 * np.pi / nth)) if (stfunc == 'kolmogorov') or (stfunc == 'kolstf'): sf = stf_kolmogorov(radius) elif (stfunc == 'vonKarman') or (stfunc == 'karman') or \ (stfunc == 'vk'): assert outerscale is not None sf = stf_vonKarman(radius, outerscale) else: raise AttributeError("Structure function not implemented") # tmp = fnorm * (2 * np.pi / nth) * (fft.ifft(sf) + fft.fft(sf)) / 2 # fft.dct(sf, type=3) # fft.ifft(sf) # ift(sf, 1) tmp = fnorm * (2 * np.pi / nth) * np.fft.fft(sf, axis=0) # Kernel is symmetric kernel[i, j, :] = tmp kernel[j, i, :] = tmp return kernel
[docs]def piston_orth(nr): ''' Unitary matrix used to filter out piston term. Eq. 19 in Cannon 1996. Parameters ---------- nr : int number of resolution elements Returns ------- U : 2d array Unitary matrix ''' s = np.zeros((nr, nr)) for j in range(nr - 1): rnm = 1. / np.sqrt((j + 1) * (j + 2)) s[0:j + 1, j] = rnm s[j + 1, j] = (-1) * (j + 1) * rnm rnm = 1. / np.sqrt(nr) s[:, nr - 1] = rnm return s
[docs]def gkl_fcom(ri, kernels, nfunc, verbose=False): ''' Computation of the radial eigenvectors of the KL basis. Obtained by taking the eigenvectors from the matrix L^p. The final function corresponds to the 'nfunc' largest eigenvalues. See eq. 16-18 in Cannon 1996. Parameters ---------- ri : float radius of central obscuration radius (normalized by D/2; <1) kernels : ndarray kernel L^p of dimension (nr, nr, nth), where nth is the azimuthal discretization (5 * nr) nfunc : int number of final KL functions Returns ------- evals : 1darray eigenvalues nord : int resulting number of azimuthal orders npo : int ord : 1darray rabas : ndarray radial eigenvectors of the KL basis ''' kers = np.copy(kernels) s = np.shape(kers) nr = s[0] nt = s[2] nxt = 0 fktom = (1. - ri**2) / nr fevtos = np.sqrt(2 * nr) evs = np.empty((nr, nt)) # * Zero-order is a special case * # see eq 19 and 20 of Cannon's paper zom = kers[:, :, 0] s = piston_orth(nr).T # b1 =, zom), s)[0:nr - 1, 0:nr - 1] # b1 = (np.inner(s, np.inner(zom, s).T))[0:nr - 1, 0:nr - 1] b1 =, zom), s.T)[0:nr - 1, 0:nr - 1] # since matrix is symmetric, can use eigh instead of svd. # should not make any difference however... newev, v0 = np.linalg.eigh(fktom * b1) v1 = np.zeros((nr, nr)) v1[0:nr - 1, 0:nr - 1] = v0.T # v1[nr - 1, nr - 1] = 1.0 v1[nr - 1, nr - 1] = 1.0 vs =, s) newev = np.append(newev, 0) evs[:, nxt] = newev kers[:, :, nxt] = np.sqrt(nr) * vs.T # * Other orders - more straightforward nxt = 1 while True: newev, vs = np.linalg.eigh(fktom * kers[:, :, nxt]) evs[:, nxt] = newev # kers[:, :, nxt] = np.sqrt(2 * nr) * vs kers[:, :, nxt] = fevtos * vs if verbose: print('{0:.4f}'.format(nxt)) mxn = np.max(newev) egtmxn = np.array(np.floor(evs[:, 0:nxt + 1] > mxn), dtype='int') nxt = nxt + 1 if ((2 * np.sum(egtmxn) - np.sum(egtmxn[:, 0])) >= nfunc): break nus = nxt - 1 # * The rest is about sorting and selecting the N functions with the # highest eigenvalues * kers = kers[:, :, 0:nus] evs = np.reshape(evs[:, 0:nus].T, nr * nus) a = (np.argsort(-1 * evs))[0:nfunc] # every eigenvalue occurs twice except those for the zeroth order mode. # this could be done without the loops, # but it isn't the sticking point anyway... no = 0 ni = 0 # oind = np.empty(nfunc + 1) oind = np.zeros(nfunc + 1, dtype='int') while True: if (a[ni] < nr): oind[no] = a[ni] no = no + 1 else: oind[no] = a[ni] oind[no + 1] = a[ni] no = no + 2 ni = ni + 1 if (no >= nfunc): break oind = oind[0:nfunc] tord = oind // nr odd = ((np.arange(nfunc) % 2) == 1) pio = oind % nr evals = evs[oind] oord = 2 * tord - np.array(np.floor((tord >= 1) & odd), dtype='int') nord = np.max(oord) + 1 rabas = np.zeros((nr, nfunc)) npo = np.zeros(np.max(oord) + 1) for i in range(nfunc): npo[oord[i]] = npo[oord[i]] + 1 rabas[:, i] = kers[:, pio[i], tord[i]] return evals, nord, npo, oord, rabas
[docs]def gkl_azimuthal(nord, npp): ''' Compute the azimuthal function of the KL basis. Parameters ---------- nord : int number of azimuthal orders npp : int grid of point sampling the azimuthal coordinate Returns ------- gklazi: ndarray azimuthal function of the KL basis. ''' gklazi = np.zeros((1 + nord, npp)) theta = np.arange(npp) * (2 * np.pi / npp) gklazi[0, :] = 1.0 for i in range(1, nord, 2): # even gklazi[i, :] = np.cos((i // 2 + 1) * theta) for i in range(2, nord, 2): # odd gklazi[i, :] = np.sin((i // 2) * theta) return gklazi
[docs]def gkl_basis(ri=0.25, nr=40, npp=None, nfunc=500, stf='kolstf', outerscale=None): ''' Wrapper to create the radial and azimuthal K-L functions. Parameters ---------- ri : float normalized internal radius nr : int number of radial resolution elements np : int number of azimuthal resolution elements nfunc : int number of generated K-L function stf : string structure function tag describing the atmospheric statistics Returns ------- gklbasis: dic dictionary containing the radial and azimuthal basis + other relevant information ''' if npp is None: npp = 5 * nr if (nr * npp) / nfunc < 8: print("warning: you may need a finer radial sampling ") print("(ie, increased 'nr') to generate {0:1.0f} " "functions".format(nfunc)) elif (nr * npp) / nfunc > 40: print("note, for this size basis, radial discretization on ", nr) print("points is finer than necessary - it should work, but you ") print("could take a smaller 'nr' without loss of accuracy") rad_basis = gkl_radii(ri, nr) kers = gkl_kernel(ri, nr, rad_basis, stf, outerscale) evals, nord, npo, oord, rabas = gkl_fcom(ri, kers, nfunc) azi_basis = gkl_azimuthal(nord, npp) gklbasis = {'nr': nr, 'np': npp, 'nfunc': nfunc, 'ri': ri, 'stfn': ' ', 'radp': rad_basis, 'evals': evals, 'nord': nord, 'npo': npo, 'ord': oord, 'rabas': rabas, 'azbas': azi_basis} return gklbasis
[docs]def gkl_sfi(kl_basis, i): ''' return the i'th function from the generalized KL basis 'bas'. 'bas' must be generated by 'gkl_basis' ''' if i > kl_basis['nfunc']: raise("The basis only contains {0:1.0f} " "functions".format(kl_basis['nfunc'])) nr = kl_basis['nr'] npp = kl_basis['np'] oord = kl_basis['ord'][i] rad_bas = rebin(np.reshape(kl_basis['rabas'][:, i], (nr, 1)), (nr, npp)) az_bas = rebin(np.reshape(kl_basis['azbas'][oord, :], (1, npp)), (nr, npp)) sf = rad_bas * az_bas return sf
[docs]def radii(nr, npp, ri): ''' Use to generate a polar coordinate system. Generate an nr x npp array with npp copies of the radial coordinate array. Radial coordinate span the range from r=ri to r=1 with successive annuli having equal areas. ie, the area between ri and 1 is divided into nr equal rings, and the points are positioned at the half-area mark on each ring; there are no points on the border see also -------- polang ''' # r2 = ri**2 + (np.arange(nr) + 0.5) / nr * (1 - ri**2) r2 = ri**2 + (np.arange(nr)) / nr * (1 - ri**2) rs = np.sqrt(r2) ra = rebin(np.reshape(rs, (nr, 1)), (nr, npp)) # ra = rebin(rs, nr, npp) return ra
[docs]def polang(r): ''' Generate an array with the same dimensions as r, but containing the azimuthal values for a polar coordinate system. ''' s = np.shape(r) nr = s[0] npp = s[1] # phi = np.zeros((nr, npp)) phi1 = np.arange(npp) / npp * 2.0 * np.pi phi = np.transpose(rebin(np.reshape(phi1, (npp, 1)), (npp, nr))) return phi
[docs]def set_pctr(bas, ncp=None, ncmar=None): ''' call pcgeom to build the dic geom_struct with the right initializtions. Parameters ---------- bas : dic gkl_basis dic built with the gkl_bas routine ''' if ncmar is None: ncmar = 2 if ncp is None: ncp = 128 return pcgeom(bas['nr'], bas['np'], ncp, bas['ri'], ncmar)
[docs]def setpincs(ax, ay, px, py, ri): ''' determine a set of squares for interpolating from cartesian to polar coordinates, using only those points with ri <= r <= 1 ''' s = np.shape(ax) nc = s[0] s = np.shape(px) nr = s[0] npp = s[1] # dcar = (ax[0, nc - 1] - ax[0, 0]) / (nc - 1) dcar = (ax[0, nc - 1] - ax[0, 0]) / (nc - 1) ofcar = ax[0, 0] rlx = (px - ofcar) / dcar rly = (py - ofcar) / dcar lx = np.array(rlx, dtype='int') ly = np.array(rly, dtype='int') # shx = rlx - lx # shy = rly - ly shx = rlx - lx - 1 shy = rly - ly - 1 # # pincx = np.array([lx.T, (lx + 1).T, (lx + 1).T, lx.T]) # pincy = np.array([ly.T, ly.T, (ly + 1).T, (ly + 1).T]) pincx = np.array([(lx - 1).T, (lx).T, (lx).T, (lx - 1).T]) pincy = np.array([(ly - 1).T, (ly - 1).T, (ly).T, (ly).T]) pincw = np.array([(1 - shx).T, (shx).T, (shx).T, (1 - shx).T]) * \ np.array([(1 - shy).T, (1 - shy).T, shy.T, shy.T]) axy = ax**2 + ay**2 axyinap = ((axy >= ri**2.) & (axy <= 1.0)) # axyinap = ((axy >= ri**2.) & (axy <= 1.0)) # print(pincx.shape, pincy.shape, axyinap.shape, pincw.shape) pincw = np.squeeze(pincw * axyinap[pincx, pincy]) pincw = pincw * rebin(np.reshape(1.0 / np.sum(pincw, 0), (1, nr, npp)), (4, npp, nr)) return pincx, pincy, pincw
[docs]def pcgeom(nr, npp, ncp, ri, ncmar): ''' This routine builds a geom dic. Parameters ---------- px, py : int the x, y coordinates of points in the polar arrays. cr, cp : the r, phi coordinates of points in the cartesian grids. ncmar : allows the possibility that there is a margin of ncmar points in the cartesian arrays outside the region of interest. ''' nused = ncp - 2 * ncmar ff = 0.5 * nused hw = float(ncp - 1) / 2 # hw = float(ncp) / 2 r = radii(nr, npp, ri) p = polang(r) px0 = r * np.cos(p) py0 = r * np.sin(p) px = ff * px0 + hw py = ff * py0 + hw ax = np.reshape(np.arange(ncp * ncp), (ncp, ncp)) % ncp - 0.5 * (ncp - 1) # ax = ax / (0.5 * nused - 0.5) ax = ax / (0.5 * nused) ay = np.transpose(ax) pincx, pincy, pincw = setpincs(ax, ay, px0, py0, ri) dpi = 2 * np.pi cr2 = (ax**2 + ay**2) # ap = (cr2 > ri**2) & (cr2 < 1.) ap = (cr2 >= ri**2) & (cr2 <= 1.) # ap = np.clip(cr2, ri**2 + 1e-3, 0.999) # cr = (cr2 - ri**2) / (1 - ri**2) * nr - 0.5 cr = (cr2 - ri**2) / (1 - ri**2) * nr # - 0.5 cp = (np.arctan2(ay, ax) + dpi) % dpi cp = (npp / dpi) * cp # cr = np.clip(cr, 1.e-3, nr - 1.001) # cp = np.clip(cp, 1.e-3, npp - 1.001) cr = np.clip(cr, 1e-3, nr - 1.001) # - 1.00) cp = np.clip(cp, 1e-3, npp - 1.001) # - 1.00) geom = {'px': px, 'py': py, 'cr': cr, 'cp': cp, 'pincx': pincx, 'pincy': pincy, 'pincw': pincw, 'ap': ap, 'ncp': ncp, 'ncmar': ncmar} return geom
[docs]def pol2car(cpgeom, pol, mask=False): ''' Polar to cartesian conversion. (points not in the aperture are treated as though they were at the first or last radial polar value...) ''' # f = interp2d(cpgeom['cr'], cpgeom['cp'], pol) cd = map_coordinates(pol, [cpgeom['cr'], cpgeom['cp']], order=1, mode='nearest') if mask is not False: cd = cd * cpgeom['ap'] return cd
[docs]def make_kl(nmax, dim, ri=0.0, nr=40, stf='kolmogorov', outerscale=None, mask=True): ''' Main routine to generatre a KL basis of dimension [nmax, dim, dim]. For Kolmogorov statistics, e.g. :: kl, _, _, _ = make_kl(150, 128, ri = 0.2, stf='kolmogorov') | As a rule of thumb | nr x npp = 50 x 250 is fine up to 500 functions | 60 x 300 for a thousand | 80 x 400 for three thousands. Parameters ---------- nmax : int number of KL function to generate dim : int size of the KL arrays ri : float radial central obscuration normalized by D/2 nr : int number of point on radius. npp (number of azimuthal pts) is =2 pi * nr stf : string structure function tag. Default is 'kolmogorov' outerscale : float outer scale in units of telescope diameter. Releveant if von vonKarman stf. (not implemented yet) mask : bool pupil masking. Default is True Returns ------- kl : ndarray (nmax, dim, dim) KL basis in cartesian coordinates varKL : 1darray associated variance pupil : 2darray pupil polar_base : dictionary polar base dictionary used for the KL basis computation. as returned by 'gkl_basis' SEE ALSO -------- gkl_basis, set_pctr, pol2car ''' npp = int(2 * np.pi * nr) if (nr * npp) < (15 * nmax): print('Polar grid sampling may be insufficienttoto_basis2.fits, please' ' consider increasing nr') assert (stf == 'kolmogorov') or (stf == 'kolstf') or (stf == 'vonKarman') \ or (stf == 'karman') or (stf == 'vk') if stf == 'vonKarman': assert outerscale is not None # from aotools import circle # if ri > 0.0: # pup = circle(dim / 2, dim) - circle(dim / 2 * ri, dim) # else: # pup = circle(dim / 2, dim) polar_base = gkl_basis(ri, nr, npp, nfunc=nmax, stf=stf, outerscale=outerscale) pc1 = set_pctr(polar_base, ncp=dim, ncmar=0) kl = np.zeros((nmax, dim, dim)) for i in range(nmax): kl[i, :, :] = pol2car(pc1, gkl_sfi(polar_base, i), mask=mask) # if mask is True: # kl[i, :, :] *= pup pupil = np.array(pc1['ap'], dtype='float') # pupil = pup varKL = polar_base['evals'] return kl, varKL, pupil, polar_base